Dec 13, 2013

GNOME.Asia 2014 to be held in Beijing

Hosting GNOME.Asia Summit 2014
May 24-25, 2014

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Beijing has been selected as the venue of our upcoming GNOME.Asia Summit 2014. GNOME.Asia Summit 2014 follows the release of GNOME 3.12, helping to bring new desktop paradigms that facilitate user interaction in the computing world.  It will be a great place to celebrate and explore the many new features and enhancements to GNOME 3 and to help make GNOME as successful as possible.  

The first ever GNOME.Asia Summit 2008 was hosted in Beijing. It will be great for GNOME.Asia to come back to Beijing again in the year of 2014. Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China has been the political and cultural center of China for centuries.  The city is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, huge stone walls and gates, and its art treasures and universities have made it a center of culture and art in China. There are good airport connections, and train/bus/subway infrastructure.  We believe that hosting the event in Beijing will bring the spotlight on GNOME and make an impact locally, regionally and internationally in terms of business and community building.   

The venue for the conference will be the BeiHang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), which has been at the center of  the GNOME.Asia Community for many years. Many of the repeat organizers of the GNOME.Asia Summit are based in Beijing.  

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the GNOME.Asia 2014 bidding process.  We look forward to working with you more in the future!

GNOME.Asia Committee

Aug 31, 2013

GUADEC 2013 notes

GUADEC 2013 notes

This is my first time to GUADEC.  It's so excited I can go to GUADEC.
It's my pleasure to report GNOME.Asia in GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting.

There is my slide for GNOME.Asia 2013
And video for GNOME.Asia 2013 is here

Yes, we are still learning, we want to take something back to GNOME.Asia.  ^__^

For conference:

  • There are always another monitor with twitter live broadcasting next to the main one.
  • It's a great idea for newcomers with "NewcomersTutorial".  In GNOME.Asia summit, we design workshop for students and attendee.
  • There are party / women's dinner during the GUADEC.  It's good to meet new friends and old friends in GNOME.(  We usually have celebrate party with staff and speakers after summit )

  • Intern lighting talk with Google Summer of Code and Outreach Program for Women.  ( I think we should have more GSOC / OPW and invite some speaker in the future  )
  • Tiffany Yau interview the attendee during the GUADEC. (In Asia, we did the same and have GNOME Users video)

  • There are lots of BOFs and hackfests after the core day.  I join Documentation hackfest and Web Development BOF this year.  I am very happy to give some suggestion with GNOME Event management System, Saumya Pathak works on that -- Andreas Nilsson and Fabiana Simões are her mentors.

  • It's very nice to have many session with FOSS and education.  It's great to me to know openhatch and other ideas with education.  During GUADEC we discuss many ideas with different speakers and introduce "ezgo linux" and PhET to other speakers.

It's nice to meet some friends from Asia :-)

I am so happy in GUADEC 2013 picture. ( Where am I ? )
Meet many old friends and new friends in GUADEC, wish could see you next GNOME.Asia  :-)

Finally, I am really thank  GNOME Foundation for sponsoring me to attend GUADEC this year.
<(_ _)>

Aug 24, 2013

Press Release of GNOME.Asia 2013

Press Release of GNOME.Asia 2013

The sixth GNOME Asia Summit host in Seoul, after Hong Kong, Bangalore, Taipei, Ho-Chi-Minh City and Beijing.  Many people say “Korea is the IT test bed. If a technology is not alive in Korea, it cannot be successful.” Korea has many IT Giant companies. Nowadays, companies around the world understand that software technology is a key factor for product success and Free and Open Source Software is the base.

The artwork is amazing and awesome in GNOME Asia summit this year.  Thanks Korea team give us high quality artwork, and thanks our designer  “Yu Liansu” give us the wonderful and lovely design.

The welcome speech start with Haggen So(2012 GNOME Asia Summit Local Organizer) and Simon YoungKi Hong (2013 GNOME Summit Local Organizer) to introduce GNOME Asian and GNOME Korea.

We are very pleasure  have Karen Sandler(Executive Director, GNOME Foundation) and Allan Day to delivered keynote presentation - Tell us Building Freedom(True story from Karen) and GNOME 3 History and Future.

This year we have 2 tracks (include 3 workshop for GNOME extensions / From Newbie to Translator / Introduction to GObject and GMainLoop ) and discussion with speaker and 210 attendance.  You can see the  schedule  here.

With GNOME Asia summit in Seoul, South Korea.  We found many GNOME developer / speaker / community members in Korea.  GNOME get more strong and stonger,sustained growth in Asia.  But we are still learn in Asia, we try to keep every smile face with GNOME.

We are also very grateful to have sponsors and co-hosts including nipa, LEMOTE,  LG Electronics, Google and our Media partner  Linux Pilot, onoffmix, . Last, but the least, all these will not happen without the support of the GNOME Foundation.

If you wants to know more about GNOME in Asia, please subscribe to the GNOME.Asia mailing list.

Thanks every speaker come to GNOME.Asia summit and blog for summit.
* Gwang Yoon Hwang
* Jeongseok Kim
* Max Huang
* Minkyu Joo
* Namhyung Kim
* Ryu, Changwoo

Aug 15, 2013

openSUSE Conference 2013

openSUSE Conference 2013

This year, I am very pleasure to attend openSUSE Conference 2013 in Thessaloniki,Greece.

This is one of my dream conference.  :-)
I have a short talk about "openSUSE community and open source activities in Taiwan"

My slide is here.

Video for my talk.

Thanks Greece team to organize this awesome event.

I am very happy to meet Lars Vogdt and listen his talk "openSUSE Education Li-f-e".

To discuss with Lars about education in different way and wish we could have more opportunity to co-work with openSUSE education team.

Very happy to meet openSUSE friends in China and old friend in India.

It's wonderful to listen openSUSE team report, get to know different team status, and give some idea -- which part I could involve.

For a gnome user, it's happy time to serve in GNOME booth.

Ines and me have a good time in GNOME booth, and thanks every one who donate GNOME :-). (I also buy a GNOME T-shirt during openSUSE Conference)

GNOME Team Rocks !!

It's always lovely to discuss FOSS and education after the session.  :-)

I must especially Jos Poortvliet, without his encourage, I won't go to openSUSE conference.

I want to thank openSUSE Travel Support Program send me there.

Thanks all Travel Support Program team members help me and guide me.  :-)
I will encourage people in Asia to complete his / her dream join openSUSE Conference in the future.  Share what they see and what they did.

I am happy to meet Kostas Koudaras who are a great fire fighter with openSUSE :-)

I wish I could learn more idea from him with openSUSE market team, XD.

Finial, with lots of Beer. And lot of Fun.  And lots of Memory.

Thanks everyone in openSUSE Conference 2013.

Aug 9, 2013

GUADEC 2013 - Meet Andrea Veri

I am happy to attend GUADEC 2013 this year.
The open source / freeware world is small and sweet.  :-)

I didn't know and meet Andrea Veri before GUADEC(but always see his name on mail list).

The first time I saw his name cause nagios with jabber in 2012 (, cause I am interest in nagios for monitor servers and PC.

We did lots of workshop with nagios and openSUSE in Taiwan, and I wrote an article for workshop ( for everyone in English.

It's very nice to meet the real person in real world.
And think Andrea Veri help me a lot in GUADEC.

It's great to attend GUADEC


Aug 5, 2013

Call for hosts for GNOME.Asia Summit 2014

Call for hosts for GNOME.Asia Summit 2014

The GNOME.Asia Committee is inviting proposals to host the GNOME.Asia Summit during the 2nd quarter of 2014. The GNOME.Asia Summit is the featured annual GNOME Conference in Asia. The event focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, and also covers applications and the development platform tools. It brings together the GNOME community in Asia to provide a forum for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments and businesses to discuss both the present technology and future developments.

GNOME.Asia Summit was held in Beijing, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Taipei, Bangalore, Hong Kong and Seoul respectively over the last six years. The Summit's preference is to find new locations each year as we spread GNOME throughout Asia, and we are looking for local organizers to rise to the challenge of organizing an excellent GNOME event. 
The GNOME.Asia committee will assist in the process, but there is a definitive need for individuals to be actively involved and committed to the planning and delivery of the event.

You can learn more about GNOME.Asia Summit at our official website:

For those of you who would be interested in hosting the next GNOME.Asia Summit in 2014 you are hereby invited to submit a formal proposal to the

The deadline for the proposals is September 1, 2013

Please email your proposal to We might
invite you to present your proposal in more details over our regular IRC meetings, or send you additional questions and requests. Results will be announced by the third week of September, 2013.

The conference will require availability of facilities for one week, including a weekend, during the 2nd quarter of 2014 (between March and June). Final event dates should avoid other key free software conferences or other events that may have conflict and will be confirmed together with other GNOME teams which might get involved.

Key points which proposals should consider, and which will be taken into account when deciding among candidates, are:

  * Local community support for hosting the conference.
  * Venue details. Information about infrastructure and facilities to hold the conference should be provided.
  * Preliminary schedule with main programme & different activities.
  * Information about how internet connectivity will be managed.
  * Lodging choices ranging from affordable housing to nicer hotels, and information about distances between the venue and lodging options.
  * The availability of restaurants or the organization of catering on-site, cost of food/soft drinks/beer.
  * The availability and cost of travel from major Asian and European cities.
  * Local industries, universities and government support.
  * Please provide a reasonably detailed budget (sponsorships, expenses, etc).
  * Provide plans for fundraising at a local level.

Please refer to the official web site of GNOME.Asia [1]. Please also check the GNOME.Asia Summit check list [2], howtos [3] and a winning proposal for the year 2012 [4] when putting together a proposal. 

Feel free to contact if you have any questions.

Please help to spread the words and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

GNOME.Asia Committee


Aug 4, 2013

GNOME.Asia Report in GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting (AGM)

I am very happy to attend GUADEC 2013 and report GNOME.Asia 2013.

All images courtesy of Jakub Steiner.

There is my slide for GNOME.Asia 2013

And video is here

Thanks everyone thanks GNOME

Feb 20, 2013

GNOME.Asia 2013 is now Calling for Papers

GNOME.Asia 2013 is now Calling for Papers

GNOME.Asia 2013 is calling for papers. GNOME.Asia Summit is Asia’s GNOME user and developer conference, spreading the knowledge of GNOME across Asia. The conference will be held in NIPA Business Center, Sangam-dong Seoul, Korea on May 24 -25, 2013.  The conference follows the release of GNOME 3.8, helping to bring new desktop paradigms that facilitate user interaction in the computing world.  It will be a great place to celebrate and explore the many new features and enhancements to the groundbreaking GNOME 3 release and to help make GNOME as successful as possible.

Call for Papers

Let’s Submit a Talk!

Important Information

  • The deadlines:

  • Submission: March 8th , 2013
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 15th, 2013

  • Conference:

  • Conference Date: May 24th - 25th , 2013
  • Venue: Nuritkum Square - Business tower(3F, 4F), Sangam-dong 1605, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

Main Topics

Possible topics include, but not limited to
  1. How to Promote/Contribute to GNOME in Asia
- GNOME Marketing
- Promotion of Free and Open Source Software
- How to run a Local GNOME User Group
- Asia Success Stories/Local GNOME Projects
- GNOME and Education
- GNOME Outreach Program for Women
- Google Summer of Code

  1. Hacking GNOME
- Lastest Development in GNOME
- GNOME 3 & GNOME 3 Usability
- GNOME Human Interface Engineering (Icons and Graphic Design)
- Bugsquadding in GNOME
- GNOME Accessibility
- GNOME 3 Coding How-to

  1. Adapting GNOME to New Types of Devices
- Develop GNOME on mobile device, like smart phone, tablet PC
- Develop GNOME on embedded system or open source hardware
- On-going Projects, Success Stories
- Find FOSS Friendly Hardware Manufacturers

  1. Localization & Internationalization
- Translation
- Input Methods
- Fonts

  1. Other topics
Any topics related to free and open source which are not listed above is still welcome.

  1. Lightning talks
A five-minutes presentation to demonstrate your work or promote an interesting topic. Reservation and on-site application are both accepted.

A standard session at GNOME.Asia 2013 will be scheduled as 45 mins (35 mins talk + 10 mins Q&A).  Please take into consideration any time you will need for preparation. The session could be a technical talk, panel discussion, or BOF.

If you’d like to share your knowledge and experience at GNOME.Asia 2013, please fill in the form at before March 8th , 2013.  Please provide a short abstract about your proposal (under 150 words). Include your name, biographical information, a photo suitable for the web, a title, and a description of your presentation . The reviewing team will evaluate the entries based on the submitted abstracts and available time in the schedule. You will be contacted before March 15th, 2013 on whether your submission has been accepted or not.

All interested contributors are highly encouraged to send in their talks.  Please help us to spread the invitation to other potential participants. Even you do not plan to be a speaker, please consider joining GNOME.Asia 2013. This is going to be a great event!


GNOME.Asia Organizing Team