GUADEC 2013 notes
This is my first time to GUADEC. It's so excited I can go to GUADEC.
It's my pleasure to report GNOME.Asia in GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting.
There is my slide for GNOME.Asia 2013
And video for GNOME.Asia 2013 is here
Yes, we are still learning, we want to take something back to GNOME.Asia. ^__^
For conference:
- There are always another monitor with twitter live broadcasting next to the main one.
- It's a great idea for newcomers with "NewcomersTutorial". In GNOME.Asia summit, we design workshop for students and attendee.
- There are party / women's dinner during the GUADEC. It's good to meet new friends and old friends in GNOME.( We usually have celebrate party with staff and speakers after summit )
- Intern lighting talk with Google Summer of Code and Outreach Program for Women. ( I think we should have more GSOC / OPW and invite some speaker in the future )
- Tiffany Yau interview the attendee during the GUADEC. (In Asia, we did the same and have GNOME Users video)
- There are lots of BOFs and hackfests after the core day. I join Documentation hackfest and Web Development BOF this year. I am very happy to give some suggestion with GNOME Event management System, Saumya Pathak works on that -- Andreas Nilsson and Fabiana Simões are her mentors.
- It's very nice to have many session with FOSS and education. It's great to me to know openhatch and other ideas with education. During GUADEC we discuss many ideas with different speakers and introduce "ezgo linux" and PhET to other speakers.
It's nice to meet some friends from Asia :-)
I am so happy in GUADEC 2013 picture. ( Where am I ? )
Meet many old friends and new friends in GUADEC, wish could see you next GNOME.Asia :-)
Finally, I am really thank GNOME Foundation for sponsoring me to attend GUADEC this year.
<(_ _)>